Thursday, June 20, 2013

FashionCooking, the new blog about food and trends


FashionCooking is a new blog on the web! Why am I talking about it in my own blog? Because I find it original and unique. Infact its creator, the beautiful Sicilian Francesca Landolina, is keen on both fashion and food, so she came up with this brilliant idea, combining the two passions in just one piece of work, which is exactly what I did with mine, putting together my love for food, writing and English language.

Visiting her blog
you can get inspiration for a particular dress or recipe, and you can find all the latest trends. Isn't it great? I wish her the best of luck with this new adventure! :-)

In the picture above Francesca with Chef Natale Giunta at his restaurant in Palermo.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

'a Nivarata, the new Festival of Sicilian granita



Are you crazy about Sicilian granita? Are you any close to the town of Acireale in the province of Catania? 

Well... if the answer to those questions is YES than don't waste any time and go directly there because from today until the 16th of june is taking place the second edition of the brand new Festival of Sicilian granita called in dialect "a nivarata" a word that means a snow fall, because of the consistency of the granita (shaved ice) which is similar to snow and which was initially, in ancient times, made with snow.

There you can see Sicilian experts preparing marvellous granite and you can taste the new flavors as well as the traditional ones: lemon, almonds, pistaches, basil, cinnamon, orange, mint, anisette and a lot more!!!

Here you can find a nice blog on Sicilian granita in Italian language :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bruce Springsteen, Nicola Fiasconaro and a Fender


The one and only "Boss" of rock music, Bruce Springsteen, who is now in Italy for its live tour, yesterday met the famous Sicilian Maestro Pasticcere Nicola Fiasconaro, whose business of the same name is located in Castelbuono, a small town in the province of Palermo.

Fiasconaro is the most renowned brand in Sicily especially for Christmas panettoni but they also produce traditional desserts and chocolate manufacturing. And in fact last monday on the occasion of the concert in Milan Fiasconaro prepared an amazing gift for Bruce Springsteen, the perfect copy of the Fender guitar that the singer always uses to play at his concerts, with the difference that this one was made of Igp chocolate from Modica, a real delicacy and it was all hand-decorated.

"Oh my God" said an astonished and almost speechless Springsteen while thanking Maestro Fiasconaro for such an original present at the end of the concert.

Now... what do you think? Will he give a bite to that fender or not? :-)))
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